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Andy's Feelings

Business Class

Well it’s been an excellent week. Since Sunday we’ve been in New York City, on business.

Have missed Tracy and the kids terribly, but I joined Factonomy just over two and a half years ago with the promise of this week.

Factonomy being a small software shop in Edinburgh, with good people and exciting ideas, it’s been a bit of a roller-coaster, with probably more lows than high’s. But that’s all changed in the last few months, we’ve been working with a single blue chip client for the last two years doing some quite interesting stuff. In the last couple of months we’ve secured our second global banking client, and are on track to land a third significant one.

Hence the need to decamp a team of 4 of us to NYC. To do the business. We’ve had some great meetings and established some good relationships with the new clients.

On my way home now. Business Class on Continental. I’ll be home in 5 hours, an hour ahead of schedule, so I’ll be home to see the kids before Hannah goes to school. Which is fantastic, only downer is one hour less sleep in the fully flat Bed. Shucks!

The next few months are going to be entertaining.